Change how you view your world

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    The Indefectible Power of Determination

    Nothing great in the world was ever done without determination. It is the ultimate resolve to stay on course regardless of obstacles that may be encountered. It is the dogged commitment to seeing the end and not giving up in the process. The only way to fail is to stop trying. The ultimate value of a champion is the aptitude to endure untill the end.


    Having a positive attitude to life gives you the power to overcome challenges. When you see the cup half full instead of half empty, you are inspired to get more out of life. A positive attitude increases your faith in the prospect of success. Fear diminishes the prize and magnifies the obstacles. Nothing is impossible. We only have people who are terrified of doing the impossible.


    Fulfillment is not in the outcome of your effort but in knowing that you gave it your all. Limitations deter losers and inspire winners. Talent, education and resources are futile where determination is lacking. If you focus on the mountain, you will never move it, but if you focus on the goal, you will score it. There is no prize for quitters, but there is a future for people who persevere. In inventing the light bulb, Thomas Edison made 1,000 unsuccessful attempts, but he eventually did it. Nelson Mandela served twenty-seven years in prison, but never gave up. He and the people of South Africa eventually got freedom and now enjoy the dividends of democracy.


    Utilize lessons from your history to map out a strategy for your success. You are destined to triumph if history is your teacher. Constantly evaluate your options and make steps towards your progress. It provides essential feedback that enables you to know what you have done right and what needs improvement. The reward of success is accomplishment, but the gift of adversity is experience. Add a feather to your experience hat each time you fail at something. Do not persistently make mistakes. Persistently learn from your mistakes.


    If you slack, you will be in lack. The reason people buy failing businesses and grow them to profitability is because the previous owners had not exhausted all the possibilities and options. If you fail at the first attempt and quit, you may have missed ninety-nine percent chances of succeeding. Do not be afraid to explore and try out new things. Think outside the box and be innovative.


    Many people give up on great ideas and initiatives because of lack of patience and the need for instant gratification or results. Patience is not the absence of challenges, but the ability to maintain a positive attitude while you wait for the desired outcome. Napoleon Hill said that patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success. Every problem in your life has a day of solution. Being patient gives you the opportunity to plan, assess and act wisely. It increases your propensity to measure before you cut.


    “The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly; it is dearness only that gives everything its value.

    I love the man that can smile in trouble,

    that can gather strength from distress and grow.”

    ― Thomas Paine
